Sunday, 4 November 2012

It is Sunday afternoon and the feeling of "home" is all around. Gabriella is playing the piano and singing, Lily is reading"the friend," Mike is napping after prepping a delicious beef stew, Brett and Sophia have walked to grandma's for a little visit, and I am writing to you.
We have skyped our great uncle Tony in England and have plans to talk to grandma and grandpa Parker in Vancouver. We will have a guest or two for dinner and afterwards enjoy fresh baked scones that Gabriella has prepared. It is one of those ideal days where hearts of full of love and peace. We rest from our regular routine of busyness and fast, disjointed meals. Everything slows down on Sundays - meals are special, people are special and we thank God for the Sabbath. Not every Sunday is like this, or even every hour of this Sunday but right now, at this moment, I am able to reflect on the quiet peace that permeates the home and remember that this is what I am most grateful for today!