Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Peter Benjamin Parker

It is hard to believe that I have relented to naming my son after Spiderman!  It has been worth it for the pure joy it brings to my husband and son and all the men and boys in our life.
Peter arrived 2 weeks ahead of schedule and as I approach my original due date, I am sooooo glad that I am on this side of the birth. 
We had a home birth with my best friend and midwife, Eve Verdon.  Mike was fantastic as usual and Eve was such a wonderful midwife! We set up a large tub in the kitchen and Peter was born in the water, healthy and strong. He is a little guy though - 6 pounds 6 ounces - Born April 12th at 11:30 pm.  Mike and I both enjoyed the home birth experience - especially afterwards being able to sleep in our own bed without being wakened by hospital staff every hour.  Labour and delivery was relatively short - 1 1/2 hr - though it seemed to me like my longest. I guess time stands still when your in pain. We are so delighted to have this little boy in our lives and be blessed with another member of our family!
welcome to the world

Frog Legs

She can't stop kissing him
My eternal companion - I love him with all my heart!