Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Summer fun and a touch of fall

As usual, the summer has flown by and we are left scratching our heads wondering where it went?  Moving into our house and getting unpacked took up some time, but we did manage to have some fun too...
Brett and the boys loved fighting during their medieval party
Fun at Payne lake

The big kids put on a tea party outside with mom's fine china.  Ethan was especially delightful as court jester!

Some great hikes this summer - Peter had a sweet ride!  Mike and the oldest three went hiking with the Ursenbachs for their annual "big Waterton hike"; Uncle Steve took Brett and Gabriella for an even harder Waterton hike;  the whole family hiked to the creek in our pioneer gear for Naomi's bible camp, I have omitted the picture of myself huffing and puffing for the "women's pull" portion of the hike.  During the Mormon pioneer trek, many women were left to pull the handcarts by themselves and so we re-enacted that (on a much much smaller scale, but grueling none the less); the whole family hiked to the creek and for a mild hike in Waterton with cousin Austen; a nice little hike in Fairmont to the top of the hoodoos; and lastly our annual fall hike to many glacier in Montana.

Enjoying a dip after a hot hike to Bertha Falls

Lily and friends being beautiful

All the Mama's with their babies during our pioneer camp

Isaiah Proffitt, Anna Sala and Peter Parker

We are having such a great time learning about history and geography. This is Brett's hand drawn map of the fertile crescent and the Assyrian Empire.  Sophia and Brett have been memorizing a timeline.  They love to sing the song for anyone who is interested; pairing it with geography, while reading "story of the world" and passages from the Bible has been so interesting and is helping me to connect the dots with stories I have known and their place in the timeline of history (including what was happening throughout the world at the same time).  Below is Brett's representation of a carving (carrot) of the Olmecs of Mesoamerica.
We read "The Scarlet Pimpernel" this summer and then went to the theatre to watch a live performance of it.
Some pictures of our house and fun with friends inside and out.  The deer came right to our deck one morning to check out the strange little horse.  It was also quite fascinated with our kittens. Below is a picture of our long learning desk which is working out quite well (though not the beautifully clean work space I had envisioned). The trampoline that will not quit has been such fun for the kids.  This is the same trampoline that flew over top of our old house in Leavitt, coming apart mid air and impaling itself into the roof of our tenant's motorhome. It then sat in the ditch (disembodied) for several months.  We thought for sure it was a goner, but after 3 years we tried to put it back together and viola!  Tea parties are a regular occurrence for the little ones (mom donated the perfect table for it), as are bath parties... another big attraction is the dirt hill - ah the dirt...the mud... the flying ant infestation!! It's not all rosey, but I still can't believe I get to look at that view outside our windows! Unbelievably beautiful! Did I mention that I LOVE OUR HOUSE!!!!!

This isn't a postcard - it's our view!!!

Fairmont fun and hoodoos

Many glacier

Another sweet ride
Not that comfortable!

Peter is such a demanding delight!! We all adore this boy and his funny ways.  He is still very much Daddy's boy.  He loves to bang on Dad's office door whenever he can escape from our watchful eyes (which is more often than I like to admit).  His words are : "Daddy", "Brett (more like Bwett)" and "that".  He hardly ever says Mama :( 
He still insists on being fed NOW! He loves to play with little hot wheels cars and lies down flat on the ground to race his cars.  He is happiest when we let him out of the house to play in the mud --Heaven!