Thursday, 29 September 2016

Victoria September 2016

We had such a great trip to Victoria!  The weather was ideal and the drive was long and windy (There is just no getting around that drive).  Thankfully mom came with us to help me with it.  We listened to great books, had good discussions, ate healthful foods and survived Peter's screaming.

We stopped in Kamloops to stretch our legs and eat our picnic dinner.  Peter decided he needed a little more than a stretch. He stripped down to nothing and went in the water with the rest of the dogs that were playing in the river.  He was much happier than sitting in the car and we were much happier than listening to his incessant whining!!

Grandma and Grandpa Parker welcomed us at 12:00 am to their lovely beds.  We had a nice morning together and then we headed out for the ferry to Victoria.  It was a gorgeous day and a beautiful ride through the islands.  I miss that pretty ride (though not the waits).

After dropping off Grandma Elaine at her rental car we went to the red barn store to meet up with Shaina.  They make the most incredible sandwiches!! I got side tracked on the way as we passed "Tod's inlet" which was one of my favourite walks of all time.  We had to stop to find the wild sweet peas.  It was a longer walk than I remembered but so, so beautiful with large moss covered trees and babbling water falls.  The sun was streaming through the thick forest and the smells were so fresh and sweet.  I was in heaven! The kids wanted a dip in the lake so we made a quick stop before heading back to Salas for the night.

There were a few apples trees along the walk laden with apples - pretty good - mostly just fun to collect.

Peter put one of the apples down his pants because he didn't have a pocket.  It was rather uncomfortable for him but he assured me that he wouldn't "let it tinkle".  When the apple started to move down his leg and get stuck he wasn't sure what he should do.  Grandma nearly wet her pants, she was laughing so hard!

Tod's Inlet

Sweet pea holding sweet peas.

Wednesday we spent the day at the Island view Beach but of course we had to stop at the Sidney Bakery first for doughnuts, nanaimo bars, pizzas and apple fritters. Sophia got her first wasp sting! Brett found crabs and I made a friend.

It was Hannah's birthday so we simply had to have treats!

Happy Peter!

Gracie got them started on the crab collecting.

First sting - Life's like that.

It was colder than it looks. Brett enjoyed rolling the girls off their log.
Thursday we went to Beacon Hill with Allison Binstead.  She showed us where the best park was (with a zip line).  I took the kids to the beacon hill drive in for their famous soft ice cream cones.  We stopped at clover point in the hopes of seeing some kites flying but instead we met this man who feeds the pigeons.  He helped the kids to get the pigeons to land on them - very cool. A trip to China town was next and Brett and Peter found some fun little explosives that they bought. 

I love this picture.

Fan tan alley.

Friday we went downtown to the parliament buildings, the empress hotel and the causeway. Friday evening we met Fishers at Gyro park and then went back to their house to have dinner and play games.

Cousins are the best!

Sophia beat everyone at rummy cube.

Peter put Olivia and Ruby to bed.
Saturday was spent at the museum - mammoths!

Sunday we were back in Vancouver with Parkers.  We had a nice afternoon and evening together and we were off to revelstoke the next morning.  Brett and Peter got hair cuts at Mike's special barber and I got nanaimo bars at the bakery.  Fat and happy!  Grandpa bought us jamaican patties for the ride home.  We went to these wonderful tunnels that used to be part of the railway line.  They were so cool! We saw salmon spawning.  After the night in revelstoke we stumbled on to this old growth cedar and hemlock forest.  It was magical.  It took us a looooong time to get home but it was worth the stops. We met Mike in Calgary and Brett and I went to the Keg for his birthday dinner.  In the morning we completely surprised him with his trip to Texas.  He only had a few hours to prepare himself.  He did great on the plane and had so much fun with Aunt Heather and Uncle Gordon.  There was lots of food!!!
Just outside of Revelstoke is this beautiful old growth cedar forest.  There is a long boardwalk that winds through the forest. Just beyond this forest is an old growth hemlock forest.  So worth the stop!

They all complained about stopping but they loved it once we got walking.

Everyone had to take their turn at being grumpy!

Brett is 12!

Another great dinner at Grandma's.

 Brett in Texas! Big surprise for him and he was treated royally by aunt Heather and Uncle Gordon.
Brett the astronaut.

Gulf of Mexico

River walk in San Antonio - lots of turtles here.

Taxi boat on the river.

First of Many...

Lilly's cookie - Brett brought some back for our Lily.

Uncle Gordon lived vicariously through Brett (he was on a diet).

Waiting out a massive rainstorm at the zoo!


At the Whiskey cake.

THE Whiskey cake!

Velvet Taco

Journaling on the way home.

1 comment:

  1. Such great photos and writing! Thanks for sharing Kate. It was good to see you. You didn't write about Lily trying out some driving! She is a good driver!!
