Monday, 13 October 2014


I have discovered a great way to get loads of nutrition into my kids in the morning - waffles.  RECIPE:  left over porridge
                               pumpkin and or apple sauce puree
                               ground flax seed
                               hemp of chia seed
                               almond milk
                               coconut oil
                               ancient grains or gluten free flour
                              loads of frozen berries

Mix it up, pour into waffle iron and viola!  Delicious, health packed waffles (and the kids think they are getting a treat).

This mornings view  - I love waking up to this! I remembered to pray with Mike and read a few verses of scriptures - lessons learned - 5 minutes can make a difference in your marraige - a few verses of scripture can give you a healthy perspective of your own life.

Today's goals = Meet Peter's needs. Hold him, play with him, feed him earlier, communicate with him.
                      = show and speak gratitude for family members. Praise them.
                      = stay away from junk food while shopping in Lethbridge.

Kids are waking its time to put on some good music to set the tone for the day.  Because I am needing to learn my parts for the "Messiah", we will be listening to that for the next few months.

A long afternoon in lethbridge but opportunity to have a long mentoring talk with Gabriella.

This evening it was a rush out the door to a community meeting that Mike was hosting.

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