Monday, 13 October 2014

musical musings

Yesterday was not such a great day.  I have been feeling like I have too many things to do and I find myself worrying about how busy I am and missing out on living in the moment.  My worry led to impatience and frustration with the family.  Too bad - it is still taking some effort to be calm and positive, however, there is much to be grateful for.

Last night the kids and I worked hard on the house to get it clean.  We then brought out a new game and played.  It was hard but fun. We played again today, it is called "10 days in Africa".  We should have a good grasp on the African Continent after playing it for a while.

Today was all about music!  We started the day working on violin with Brett.  Gabriella and I went to her voice lesson with Cidelle C. then came home to Lynda O. already in progress with piano lessons.  After a few hours of piano at our house, it was time for me to take a turn in the teachers chair giving voice lessons for the rest of the afternoon.  This evening Sophia and I are going to learn a song on the Ukulele.

C and F chords (the start of twinkle twinkle)
Quick dinner and Brett is off to Martial arts lessons while Lily and Mike at the church for Young Women's and Bishopric meeting.  Peter saw me brushing Sophia's hair and wanted to have a turn at it.

Peter hard at work up and down

 The music continues into the night!

 Brett came home from Martial Arts wielding his new sword.  I love it when the kids burst through the door with something to say or show!
The house is a MESS, I have things that I am MEANT to do and things that I would LIKE to do, but what I WILL do tonight is snuggle my little girl to bed with a bedtime story...It will be more rewarding than anything else...especially in the long run.  Though I really do LOVE a clean house, especially when someone else cleans it!

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